We as parents need to unite to get our special education children the help they need, whether its in education or mental health.

PE03329A.gif (2277 bytes)Lets all put are hands and hearts together to make changes   for our children

Parents in Jefferson County, I tried to put together a   special education parents group. I found out you as parents don't want to take the time to help your children get the education they need. You could not be bothered to come to a meeting.  I really feel sorry for all the children here in Jefferson county that parents don't want to find the time to help their children.

This group was for parents of children with Learning Disabilities, Emotional Disabilities, FAS, Behavior Problems all types.


1.  getting in a lot of trouble at school. 

2. Is he/she in special education. 

3. Do you want to see changes made. 

4. In the mental health system

5. Not in Special Education but should be.

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you need to be in our group.

Can you answer these questions

1. I understand the I.E.P.  process fully

2. I'm a active member of my I.E.P. team

3. Is mental health really helping my child

4. Were is the day treatment program in this area.

5. Who do I talk to if my child needs residental placement

6. If my child is on OHP, what does it cover for mental health.

7. Where do I go if I'm not satisfied with my childs learning experience

If you can't answer any of  these questions then you need this group...

E-mail me anytime with questions:


Oregon Department of Special Education home page  Idea 97, update is out.

Mental Health and Developmental Disability Services Division

Oregon Revised Statutes

OSEP: Technology For Students With Disabilities: National And State Organizations

Mental Health Services  Draft Of Standards. This is what it should be, but isn't

IEP CIM DataSource

Internet Resources for Special Children (IRSC)

Below are some of my other pages to view 

BL00001A.gif (2386 bytes)   Children with Disabilities

AG00022_.gif (6188 bytes)  CD Now Music Store                                        

AG00030_.gif (5181 bytes) Barnes and Nobel Book Store

hor.GIF (12442 bytes) Your Heart and you

PE03257A.gif (4096 bytes) Steve's Story

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